Proud to be A Mom   9/8/21

                                                                     Special Episode

What is a mother? A person who loves unconditionally, the maker and keeper of precious memories, a person much loved and greatly admired.

Mom you are uniquely fabulous. There are no two moms the exact same. You were created with just what you need to love, nurture and mentor the children God gave to you. We know we are not perfect or an expert in all areas, but with a humble heart we can grow and learn alongside our children and children’s children.

Quote- “Motherhood is a choice you make every day to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own. To teach the hard lessons. To do the right thing, even when you’re not sure what the right thing is. To forgive yourself, over and over again for doing everything wrong.” Donna Ball

Take time this week to pause, assess and begin to refine -YOU. No matter your age, it is good to look inward and define who you are mom.

Categories of a mom:

1.Someday mom- want a family in your future.

2.New mom/ pregnant, in the adoption process, holding your new child in your arms- Life altering/deep soul connection.

3.Young mom- toddler-school age kids (tired but love meeting all needs)

4. In the grind mom-/middle school- HS (relationship is more structure and emotionally needy)

5 Experienced mom/- school age kids- sending them off to college. (worn out physically, emotionally) Pray you taught them strong values, morals and ethics.

6. Empty Nest mom/-All children are in college or on their own. (emotional shift of many decades of investing all you have into these children given to you.) Evaluate your mistakes the most- forgive and live on.

7.Super-mom- start to see some fruits of your labor-both physical and emotional labor. Can finally catch up on your sleep, reload yourself to give to others. Enjoy your family- kids and maybe grandkids

8. Precious mom- You have done it! You will get your earthly rewards now and heavenly rewards in the future. You have opened and closed many chapters of life. Some chapters great some you would like to rewrite; You love deeply your kids, grandkids and great grandkids.

Let us, at every mom stage listen, learn and love our <strong>precious moms for they have lived EVERY situation you are in or have walked through. Ask them to speak into your life for their advice is tried and true!

For all you moms who have lost a child- we may not know your pain but we stand with you in your unending journey.

Every chapter of motherhood is uniquely special. If we knew what each day entailed-we could perfectly navigate each of our child’s needs and help solve their problems. Life would be so easy- but a little boring. You may say, I would love a little ease in my life right now! Hold on- you got this mom!

If you have had a bad day, bad week, month or year. Remember, these days do not define you as a mom. You can be a mess and still be a good mom! We can allow ourselves to be both! For us type A personalities, this is hard so- regroup and begin again.

I want to encourage you and love you from afar. Each day is a true gift, no matter what. When in the heat of mom battle, you can stop, take a deep breath of peace and know deep down you are doing a fabulous job. As each chapter or stage of motherhood closes, you can look back with pride and know you gave it your all. Your investment will live on in your children. We then pray that the many mistakes we made in raising them can be turned into lessons for improvement in their parenting life.

So, moms of all ages, if we turn the letters in mom upside down, it spells WOW! No matter what, take that WOW into tomorrow and love your children and grandchildren unconditionally. I love and deeply believe in you!

Much love in RefineMEnt!