Taking an antacid, Tylenol or aspirin daily or multiple times a day may help you feel better now. Did you know that daily or long term use may cause depletion of many important nutrients we need for proper health? Today we look at 4 groups of over-the-counter medicines that could be hurting your long-term health.
“He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors.” – Chinese Proverb
We are a month out from the beginning of the holiday festivities. What is your plan for success this year? It is either think it through or take the chance of the disappointment you will feel starting the new year with weight gain, sleep deprivation and self-doubt. Listen to get help tips on training for the holiday season. 11/6/22
It is good to be back researching, learning and writing. We continue in the vitamin B family. Today we look at adenine which once was labeled B4. 10/23/22
There are countless benefits to smiling, especially when it comes to your health. Studies have shown that smiling can help you live better—happier—longer. Today we look at the positives of putting on a smile. Turn that frown upside down! 09/17/22
Kombucha is a distinctly flavored fizzy fermented tea. Many people use it as a health drink. What is all the rage of kombucha? Today we look at the fermented tea and the health benefits it may have. 08/22/22
If you want a quick start to improve your health- this week is your week. The Complete 7 are steps that require no thought just action. Today is your day to succeed! 08/08/22
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”– Thomas A. Edison
Niacin, also known as vitamin B3. It is an important nutrient that every part of your body needs to function properly. Niacin’s key role is in the formation of NAD and NADP, which help your body process components from food into usable energy. Today we take a closer look at this important B vitamin. 07/25/11
“Life is a onetime offer, use it well.” —Unknown
Coenzyme Q10 was first identified in 1957. The “Q10” refers to the chemical make-up of the substance. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a natural antioxidant synthesized by the body. It comes in two forms: ubiquinol, the active antioxidant form, and ubiquinone, the oxidized form, which the body partially converts to ubiquinol. Coenzyme Q10 is vital in the chain of metabolic chemical reactions that generate energy within cells. Your cells use CoQ10 for growth and maintenance. Today we look at the health benefits of supplementation of Coenzyme Q10. 07/11/22
“Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.” Carol Burnett
People have used apple cider vinegar for centuries to help flavor and preserve food, to clean wounds and natural health remedies. Today, people use apple cider vinegar not only disinfecting, cleaning, but for improving areas of their health.
Is it beneficial for you? Join me today! 06/20/22
“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” Hippocrates
Eat to Live NOT Live to Eat! This is one of my favorite sayings that I have repeated thousands of times to myself and to my clients. What causes you to eat like you do? Have you ever really assessed your fueling? Most of us know we need to do better. Did you know if you just cut down on your portions, you can add years to your life? Did you know your gut can help in eating less? Today we look at how to eat to thrive!
Did you benefit from our topic last week- Epsom salt? Did you get to soak away some soreness or stiffness?
This week is a requested topic- lycopene. Lycopene is a natural compound found in many foods. It’s a chemical called a carotenoid which are natural pigments that give color to plants, fruits, and vegetables. Join me for information on this powerful antioxidant. 05/09/22
Are you stressed? Do you suffer from sore muscles, tension headaches or exercise induced aches and pains? Today, I may have a solution for you. The answer may be Epsom salt. Epsom salt is a natural remedy for muscle aches, inflammation, and stress. Listen in as we learn and heal. 05/02/22
Magnesium is a mineral that vital for our health. It plays a key role in everything from heart health, bone health, for the proper function of nerves, muscles, as well as sleep health. Most people do not get the needed amount daily in their American diet. Listen to assess your fueling! 04/25/22
Change your thoughts and you change your world. — Norman Vincent Peale
A new week give you an opportunity to be a new you! The past is done- the wins and losses! Start right now and focus on small steps to a better you! We continue with the B vitamin family this week. Let’s move to B2 or what is also called Riboflavin. It is a heat-stable, water-soluble vitamin that the body uses to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and protein into glucose for energy. Better health is on the way! 04/18/22
We all know that exercise can help us maintain a healthy weight and heart. But, do we understand that it can also support brain function and mental health. Today, we look at exercise and your brain. 04/11/22
Today we begin to look at the family of B vitamins. We start at the beginning with vitamin B1 also called thiamine. Thiamin (Vitamin B1) is an essential nutrient required by the body for maintaining cellular function and consequently a wide array of organ functions. All tissues of the body need thiamine to function properly. Join me as we take a closer look. 04/04/22
Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Most people enjoy it for its unique look and taste. Today we look at the sweetest of the fruit- yellow dragon fruit. We discuss its nutrition, benefits, and how to eat it. Get out of your fruit rut and try this yellow beauty. 03/28/22

EGCG, which stands for epigallocatechin gallate, is a beneficial plant compound called a polyphenol -which is a catechin, a type of flavonoid. EGCG benefits and uses include fighting inflammation and oxidative stress, supporting heart health and metabolic function, supporting weight loss, and protecting the brain against degeneration. Join me today to learn more about this powerful polyphenol. 03/21/22
Health is not valued until sickness comes. Thomas Fuller
One of the most cutting-edge areas of research involves the ‘gut-brain axis’ – the connection between the brain, gut, and microbiome and its potentially huge influence over our health. This week we discuss this important two-way street in our bodies. How you fuel your body will also impact your brain. We must take our health seriously! 03/14/22
It is never to early or late in life to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Today we look at wellness and health. When we focus on our total wellness, our physical health becomes a priority. Stop, assess and give up all excuses to incorporate a healthier lifestyle. 03/07/22
“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.” Daniel Decker
It is tea time ya’ll! Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world behind water. True teas have compounds like antioxidants, flavonoids and polyphenols that have many health benefits. We look at the history of tea and its many varieties. It is cold outside, so grab a cup of your favorite hot tea. 02/28/22
“No matter where you are in the world, you are at home when tea is served.” – Earlene Grey
We know eating a balanced nutrient diet is good for maintaining our weight, building our immune and preventing many chronic diseases. Can what we eat have an impact on our ability to remember? Yes! What food we choose to consume has been shown to slow down our brain aging and can help to keep our brain functioning properly. Today, we discuss how to fuel your brain to have optimal health. Focus, learn and apply what we discuss today! 02/21/22
“The mind and body are not separate. what affects one, affects the other.” – Anonymous
We are surrounded by illness, chronic disease and basic unhealthy people. It is that time of year, but it seems to go on and on. Today, we cover, quercetin, an antioxidant that is a polyphenol derived from plants. It has a wide range of biological actions including anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral activities. Let us look at this flavonoid and its beneficial properties. 02/14/22
“Your body deserves the best.” Anonymous
We live in a busy world. Do you every feel you lost your health foundation? Are your hopes big and your goals unwritten? Clear your mind and assess. Am I eating better? Do I plan my exercise AND carry it through? Do I get the rest my body and mind need? Today we start to solidify the foundations of your health- physically and mentally. It is a cycle and you will begin to win when this foundation is strong. Diet-Exercise-Sleep
“You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you’re going to have a strong superstructure.” Gordon B. Hinkley 02/07/22
“The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates
Congratulations on deciding to be a better you! Week by week, you are focusing on better health. It is not easy. Small steps forward equal big success! This week we complete our look into the fat-soluble vitamin family. Vitamin K is important for blood and bone health. This week we look at vitamins K1 and K2- sources and requirements. 01/31/22
I am so glad you joined RefineMEnt today. Week by week you are understanding that your body is a very complex machine. You must take care for it for you only were given one body. At times we need to fix or adjust not only our diet, but are whole thought process into health. Week by week you are learning key facts to help you stay tuned up. Today, we continue with the fat-soluble vitamin family. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin used by the human body. Its main role is to act as an antioxidant, scavenging “wild child” electrons called “free radicals” that can damage cells. It can boost immune function, our skin, vision as well as many other positive health attributes. 01/24/22
As the temperatures fall, the cases of colds, flu and illness rise. Is there something you can do to help fight and build your immunity? Yes! Let us look at zinc. Zinc, a nutrient found throughout your body which helps your immune system, metabolism function and plays many vital roles in your body. Because your body doesn’t naturally produce zinc, you must obtain it through food or supplements. Today we take a serious look at this essential nutrient- what it is, what it does and its sources. 01/17/22
As we renew our commitment to continue improving ourselves, refreshing our knowledge, refining our goals and plans to maximize our energy, we must have a plan and be consistent in nutrient rich food choices. Today I want to refresh, renew and refine the basics of what our focus should be to start this year. If this is week 1 for you or week 20 in RefineMEnt, let us be laser focused on our goal of better health. Renew, Refresh and Refine! 01/10/22
Life is not merely to be alive, but to be well. ~Martial
A new chapter has begun and the possibilities in your life are unlimited. How are you going to spend this new year? Will you float through each day with no plans or vision for a successful year OR will you join me in setting goals so that you can purposely live life and not let life live you!
You are never too young or too old to start a path to a healthier you! RefineMEnt is here!
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
Happy New Year 2022! 01/03/22
Can you enjoy the holiday season and stay healthy through the process? Of course, you can! You first must set healthy eating habits, make a plan and execute the plan. Today we have a last minute healthy holiday eating refresher. It is not to late- start now! 12/20/21
“When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.” -Unknown
Merry Christmas!
Hello sunshine. This week we are looking into the “sunshine vitamin”- Vitamin D. It is a fat-soluble vitamin like vitamin A. Listen as we discuss -What is, Sources of, and How much Vitamin D.
With all the information in the news on vitamin D and the benefits in boosting your immune going into cold/flu/virus season, it is a must to listen and pass on to your friends and family this week! You will get the basics today on vitamin D. Take this information to research, learn and be empowered for great immune health. Yes, it is that important!! 12/13/21
Up to this point, we have talked in detail about fueling your body right. From fiber, protein and gut health, we understand that everything we put into our mouth is broken down and used to maintain, build or repair. Anything in excess has to be stored. Overtime, the excess can add up to weight gain. Today, we look at weight loss and fad diets. This is the time of year people look to start a plan to lose extra weight. In life, if something seems to good to be true- it usually is. Slow and steady wins the lifetime goal in health! Think, research and do what is proven for a lifetime! 12/6/21
“Weight loss doesn’t begin in the gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision.” – Toni Sorenson
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient that plays a vital role in your body. Vitamin A is involved in immune function, vision, reproduction, and cellular communication. It is essential for overall health and well-being. Join me as we learn about- Vitamin A. 11/29/21
We are here- The beginning of the holiday season. We are excited to gather with friends and family for fun, good food and laughter. You have worked so hard to this point to focus on a healthier you. Don’t pause now. Together we can navigate this season filled with calorie laden foods and drinks. Today I briefly discuss how to improve your eating habits, portion distortion, ways to shave calories and then holiday eating tips. Don’t cancel your party plans. Start planning now for a fun and festive season. 11/22/21
Nuts are a nutritionally rich food that contain most of the vitamins and minerals the body needs. Nuts are readily available and can be easily found in most every grocery. Health benefits are linking nut consumption to a decreased risk of chronic disease. Join me today in going nuts- for your health of course. 11/15/21
This week in part 3 of Gut Microbiome, I introduce you to the 3 -biotics- prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics. We discuss what each are, their benefits and sources. The gut microbiome science is evolving daily. I believe our gut health is the key to our overall health. Start your focus today for a better gut health tomorrow. 11/08/21
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~Hippocrates
Gut health is crucial to our overall health. To keep your gut healthy, it is important to understand signs of an unhealthy gut. Once you have assessed, you can take small steps to regain a proper microbiome balance. Today we will focus on tips you can incorporate into your life to begin your gut health journey as well as gut healthy foods that you can incorporate starting today. Join me in part 2 of Gut Microbiome- Healthy or Unhealthy Gut? 11/01/21
Our gastrointestinal tract (gut) is made up of a very complex ecology of microorganisms. Each person is unique and depending on many factors such as age, health, diet and lifestyle, your gut microbiota can positively or negatively affect your health and disease processes. Today we bring you part 1 of Gut Microbiome- Understanding Your Gut. 10/25/21
Sleep and Brain Fueling
We have discussed many ways to build a healthier body. Today we are going to focus on sleep and how it ties into your overall health. The correct amount of sleep is vital to memory, problem solving and helping to reduce the risk of disease. We then will discuss fueling properly for brain health. Join me today for these two important topics!
“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” — Thomas Dekker
A protein is a naturally occurring substance that is made up of amino acid. They are present in all living organisms and include compounds such as enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. Protein is found in animal products and are also present in plant sources. We must include protein in our daily fuel to keep our bodies healthy. Let’s dive into the power of protein! 10/11/21
Fabulous Fiber
Fiber- seems boring and you associate elderly people discussing this topic. Let’s look at this topic in a way you can understand what fiber is, the sources and overall benefits of focusing on it for a healthy body. It truly is FABULOUS FIBER! 10/4/21
Your First Fuel
Congratulations on 5 weeks of positive self-assessment, planning and new healthy habits! You are moving and changing along the way. It feels great to stop some of the insanity and refocus on the good things happening. In addition to last weeks look at hydration, we dive deep into fueling your body. Get ready to discover the importance of first fueling your family’s busy life. We also hit the topic of yogurt! 9/27/21
“The Best Investment You’ve Ever Made is Your Own Health. “
Hydrate For A Healthy Body
Water does the body good. You have heard that saying. It is by far the only thing that can quench your thirst AND it is calorie free!! You are now purposely making smart choices in eating, planning and shopping. You are increasing your MOVE time. So, it is time to take a look at our hydration- water intake for a healthy body. Today, let us examine water in our body, the functions of water and how much is needed to stay healthy and active. 9/20/21
“Your health is an investment, not an expense”. Unknown
Knowing is Now Doing- Eating Better
As we choose to make healthier choices in life, we know it will be small steps to see big progress. We go back to the basics to form the habits that will impact a healthy lifestyle. 1.MOVE (physical activity) 2. assess where you are starting 3. make easy meal adjustments- plan, budget, smart food choices(balance), cook at home, smaller portions 4.eat as a family. In the fast-paced world, you CAN take control of your life. Stop, think, plan and proceed. You and your family’s health are just that important! Start now! 9/13/21
Midweek for Moms: Proud to be a Mom
A mother is a person who loves unconditionally, the maker and keeper of precious memories, a person much loved and greatly admired. Every day you selflessly give of yourself to your family, friends and work. Please know you are making a positive difference in this world. You are a blessing! 9/8/21
Believing in yourself is the first secret to success. My hope for you this week is that you made the decision to invest in YOU! Once that decision is made, nothing can stop you. Small steps in time will turn into life changing events. Last week we discussed weekly MOVE goals. Did you find your walking shoes and put them to good use? YEET!! Focus on this week’s goal and then walk out the door to achieve it!
Now that you are on the walking path to RefineMEnt, we can focus on the assessment of our body weight and suggest simple tips with our food intake. Until we have a clear understanding of our physical stature, we will not be able to focus on a true goal. This week we meet face to face with determining our Ideal Body Weight, BMI and waist circumference. It doesn’t define you as a person, just gives a starting point to the REFINED YOU. Please go to my Blog and listen to this week’s Podcast for steps for a better you! 9/6/21
Time to MOVE!
Life is a balancing act of demands on your time. Work, family, community or church responsibilities can make you feel like you are not in control. You are not alone! Stop, assess and a make today count. One of the best ways in a fast paced life to feel better physically and emotionally, is to incorporate time to MOVE or exercise. No negative thoughts allowed- grab hold and follow me. Read my blog and listen to this weeks podcast! 8/29/21
Hello World!
With all the irregularity in this world, there CAN be peace and order in your world. You have immense potential for impact in your work life, home life and social life. It only takes one positive decision to change EVERYTHING! 8/25/21